Quartz Tube
1" & 1.57" ( 25 - 40 mm ) |
2" & 2.36" (50 - 60mm) |
3" & 3.14" ( 75 - 80mm) |
4", 4.37" 4.5" & 5" |
6", 8" 8.5" & 11" |
Fused Quartz Glass Typical Physical Properties
Density |
2.2 gm/cm3 |
2.2 x 103kg/m3 |
Hardness |
5.5 - 6.5 Mohs' Scale 570KHN100 |
Design Tensile Strength |
7,000 psi |
4.8 x 107Pa (N/m2) |
Design Compressive Strength |
Greater than 160,000 psi |
Greater than 1.1 x 109Pa |
Bulk Modulus |
5.3 x 106psi |
3.7 x 1010Pa |
Rigidity Modulus |
4.5 x 106psi |
7.2 x 1010Pa |
Young's Modulus |
10.5 x 106psi |
7.2 x 1010Pa |
Poisson's Ratio |
.17 |
.17 |
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion |
5.5 x 10-7cm/cm *oC (20oC - 320oC) |
5.5 x 10-7m/m *oK (293oK - 593oK) |
Thermal Conductivity (20oC) |
3.3 x 10-3gm cal * cm/cm2*oC |
1.4 W/m *oK |
Specific Heat (20o) |
.16gm cal/gm |
670 J/kg *oK |
Softening Point |
1683oC |
1956oK |
Annealing Point |
1215oC |
1488oK |
Strain Point |
1120oC |
1393oK |
Electrical Resistivity |
7(107) ohm ?cm (350oC) |
7(107)ohm-m |
Dielectric Properties |
(20oC and 1 MHz) |
(293oK and 1 MHz) |
Constant |
3.75 |
3.75 |
Strength |
5 x 107volts/mil |
5 x 107V/m |
Loss Factor |
Less than 4 x 10-4 |
Less than 4 x 10-4 |
Dissipation Factor |
Less than 1 x 10-4 |
Less than 1 x 10-4 |
Index of Refraction |
1.4585 |
1.4585 |
Constringency (Nu value)Fused Quartz |
67.56 |
67.56 |
Velocity of Sound-Shear Wave |
3.75 x 105cm/sec |
3.75 x 103m/s |
Velocity of Sound-Compression Wave |
5.90 x 105cm/sec |
5.90 x 103m/s |
Sonic Attenuation |
Less than 11 db/m * MHz |
Less than 11 db/m * MHz |
Permeability Constants |
(cm *mm/cm * sec * cm of Hg * 700oC/973oK) | |
Helium |
210 x 10-10 | |
Hydrogen |
21 x 10-10 | |
Deuterium |
17 x 10-10 |
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MSE : 02-2275-9510 팩스 : 02-2278-5446
msescy@hanmail.net http://semims.com